Tuesday 29 March 2011

We’ve Landed

Coming into Auckland we were greeted by rain clouds just like Seattle except the humidity was intense. Arriving at the Ponsonby backpackers lodge, it followed us inside and lingered. I couldn't tell at first, but the lodge itself was partly responsible for the musk. The only cleaning i saw was a vacuum run down the hall for a couple minutes. This could be the last night. It is accommodating though with a big kitchen and a large patio. There were several people posted up guy on the couch style, but I had a mission for the day, establish some communication, and so, ventured out even after the long flight and picked up a transformer and a new sim card so I can have a local number. When i asked the guy at the convenience store about an adapter so i could plug in my phone, I was introduced to the kiwi accent, a strange mix of Irish, Scottish, and welsh i think. When i asked if i could see the adapter he said "you just fucking plug it in." having never even heard the kiwi accent before i wasn't sure if i was hearing him right, they tend to talk fast and pronounce their vowels faster. For example a lot of restaurants advertise their "fush and chups" so just to make sure i ask, "did you just say, you just fucking plug it in?" Nodding enthusiastically with a big grin he asks where I'm from, I tell him Seattle and he says "that's where he's from." so i ask him where's that, and this is where it gets weird, he replies "Iraq." I decide my first interaction could be amiss so i write it off, gathering my fucking plug-in and heading back for some much needed rest. Anyway now i can use my foreign things, all I had to do was unlock my iPhone and now i have my trusty companion just like it never left my side. Essentially letting me know all the great food/coffee shops within a few blocks, as well as help out on the next mission get some transport. Now if I could only find a friendly shop that would give out the password I'd be in business.

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